55 Mondays

I've 55 Mondays remaining on my university payroll and I've learned I need to walk more. It's a lesson I bring home after days of thousands of steps logged on Portuguese streets.
Walking Lisbon. Seen through Ray-Ban Meta Smart Glasses.
I've made a plan with Dylan (13) that involves the two of us walking two kilometers most school days when it's not lashing rain outside. We both agree I need to have better walking shoes and I've chatted with several young staff members in local shops who tell me their dads wear Brook Brothers shoes. So they're on my wish list now and Dylan has put a pinpoint on his Google Maps that mark the location of the shop where the shoes are in stock.

As I count down the Mondays remaining in the 23 year career teaching university students, I realise some of these weekly recaps could fold into a book that others might consider when they approach retirement. But I think theses weekly missives need to have more substance, perhaps on the level of what I see Simon McGarr on Ghost or Christian Payne on Substack share weekly.
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