52 Mondays The Process

I'm writing about finishing my university teaching career 52 Mondays from now. My classroom activities finish within 31 Mondays from now. And I'm a little concerned about this very significant countdown, mainly because of the loss of income I will encounter. So I've started looking around at things that might allow a pivot towards a sustainable future. My search--more of a quest--takes me into my digital stash. My collection of notes that I've started to curate while developing a set of practical workflows reinforced by pro tips.
Double Bracketing my Vault

I'm writing this Monday report inside my Obsidian Vault. I should start with bullet statements that work as an outline but instead I'm just free-flowing. I simply type the keys on my Surface Book while different snippets of information float through my mind. I put a double bracket around some of the key terms that float by me and my Obsidian Vault tells me what I've written before. In this post, the bracketed items appear in bold print.
Unmasking the motivation

Like Tim Ereneta does with his Mask Mondays, I should start my Monday reports at least a week ahead of time so I can offer more substantial information, perhaps hitting north of 730 words for each of my Mondays. That's what Suw Charman does on her Suwca Substack and that's what Simon McGarr tries to do with The Gist. I reckon that's the same process used by Marua McHugh aka Splinister, Christopher S. Penn and his prolific dense content, and James Whatley occasional Whatleydude Five for Friday is a nice recap. There's no way Christian Payne aka Documentally would be able to crank out his comprehensive multimedia weekly release with just an afternoon of writing.
Until next week
So I'm looking at 52 Mondays remaining and setting a goal of doubling the word count the next time this Ghost-powered newsletter drops into your inbox. Thanks for reading.
The banner image is our holding pen in our kitchen.
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